We are Abolitionists to the glory of God.

We are Bible-centered, determined that the Bible should be the foundation for everything that we do.  From the Bible, we proclaim that all human beings are created in the image of God.  Genesis 1:27

We believe the Gospel must be the center of all we do and say, glorifying God.  The Creator Himself became a man in order to rescue mankind from sin, death, and eternal separation from Him.  And He has commissioned us to bring the Good News to a fallen world.  The only remedy for the sin is turning and trusting in Jesus Christ alone.

We, as members of the body of Christ, His Church, seek the immediate abolition of abortion as our obligation to do as God has commanded, that we rescue those being taken away to death and hold back those who are stumbling to the slaughter (Prov 24:11)  We seek to awaken the Church to fulfill her ordained purpose to be salt and light in this sin-soaked world.

We will not compromise with this culture of death.  We repent of our apathy and cease to tolerate this unspeakable evil, treating abortion consistently as what it is; the murder of the most defenseless and innocent members of our society.  Always seeking for the immediate and uncompromising abolition of abortion.

We rely on the Providence of God, not the pragmatism of man.  We are called to be faithful, to walk in righteousness, to speak the truth in love, to glorify and trust Him above our own understanding.

For more understanding of who we are click on the 5 Tenets of Abolition below